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Section VIII – Extended Reporting Periods

A. Automatic Extended Reporting Period

Upon non-renewal or cancellation of this Policy for any reason except the non-payment of premium or any misrepresentation by the Insured, the Insured Organization shall have sixty (60) days after the end of the Policy Period to report any Claims first made, or Incidents first discovered, during the Policy Period (the " Automatic Extended Reporting Period").

B. Optional Extended Reporting Period

Upon non-renewal or cancellation of this Policy for any reason except the non-payment of premium or any misrepresentation by the Insured, the Named Insured may give Us written notice that the Named Insured desires to purchase an Optional Extended Reporting Period for one of the periods shown in the ERP Schedule below. Written notice of such election must be provided to and received by Us within sixty (60) days of the effective date such Policy is cancelled, non-renewed or expires. Such notice must indicate the total extension period desired and must include payment of premium for such Optional Extended Reporting Period. If such notice is not timely given to Us, the Named Insured will not be able to elect such right at a later date. The first sixty (60) days of the Optional Extended Reporting Period, if purchased, shall run concurrently with the Automatic Extended Reporting Period.

The Optional Extended Reporting Period applies to Claims first made and reported to Us during the Optional Extended Reporting Period, but only for acts, errors, omissions, or events that occurred during the Policy Period. All Claims reported during the Optional Extended Reporting Period must be reported in compliance with part B. of SECTION VII – NOTICE AND CONDITIONS.

The premium due for the Optional Extended Reporting Period equals the percentage amount as shown in the ERP Schedule below in relation to the annualized premium for this Policy. The entire premium of the Optional Extended Reporting Period, plus any other premium (including audit premium) which is due and owing to Us, must be received by Us within sixty (60) days of the effective date such Policy is cancelled, non-renewed, or expires and will be deemed fully earned at the commencement of the Optional Extended Reporting Period.

The Optional Extended Reporting Period will not take effect unless the Named Insured has fulfilled all other duties, and complied with all other terms and conditions of this Policy.

ERP Schedule
Options Additional Premium
12 months 100%
24 months 175%
36 months 300%

The Aggregate Policy Limits of Liability and Individual Limits of Liability available for any Extended Reporting Periods set forth in this SECTION VIII - EXTENDED REPORTING PERIOD are part of, and not in addition to, the Aggregate Policy Limits of Liability and Individual Limits of Liability shown in the Declarations.